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 Polymer Material and Engineering 
 Polymer Material Processing Engineering 
 Biomedical Engineering 
The major of polymer material processing engineering was established by Xu Xi (Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 1953. It is the chief member of the Education Committee and Textbook Committee of the former Light Industry Department. As a well known speciality in China, it is the first major that is honored the authorization for polymer material processing engineering master and doctoral degree, and has established a station for postdoctoral research.
This major aims at training of specialized person on polymer material processing engineering that have international competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship and management capability in the future. Courses include Polymer Processing Machinery, Mold Engineering, Plastic Molding Processing, etc. Students will achieve necessary professional knowledge and skills, and also has accomplished engineering and technical application skills. Graduates can engage in theoretical research, technological development and application, production management, and teaching work in such directions like plastic molding, forming technology, formulation design, product and mold design, molding machine design, new types of polymer structural materials and functional materials.